Why Reducing Your Toxic Burden Matters—and How to Start Today

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How to Maximize Your Detox Experience
You’re doing this! Now, let’s make you even more successful than the average detoxer. Yes, you can do the detox and have incredible results just following the instructions provided in the 7, 14, or 21-day detox box, OR, you could go a step further and amplify your results.
No matter what your GOAL is for doing this detox, whether it’s weight loss, more energy, better sleep, clearer skin, you name it, there are things you can do to empty even MORE toxins out of your body and knock your goal out of the park!

What to Expect During the Detox
So you’re considering doing the detox but are maybe feeling nervous or hesitant because you don’t know what to expect or aren’t sure you’ll be able to finish it.
I get it; I felt the same way before completing it my first time. BUT that was because I had little support and was doing it alone. I understand the importance of support and community, so I’ve created all these blogs to remove your misgivings, AND I have created a free Facebook Group to support you every step!
In this blog, we’re going to break down
What the detox actually looks like
What you can expect during the detox
Common symptoms and what to do if you have them

Why Everyone Should Detox
Did you know there are over 80,000 approved chemicals in the US and most are toxic to humans?
Here’s the problem you face: Our world is getting more and more toxic by the day, and our poor detox organs (think liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, lymphatic system) weren’t made to deal with this level of toxicity.
These toxins are poison and are putting chronic stress on every cell, organ, gene, and system of the body. They cause inflammation, weaken the immune system, steal your energy, and cause imbalances that cause countless symptoms.
Overburdened and stressed-out organs don’t function optimally!
This means you’ve got low energy, skin issues, hormone imbalance, poor sleep, and nothing seems to be working to help you overcome these symptoms.
You’ve tried fad diets, random supplements, over-dieting, but these don’t work because they aren’t getting to the root of the problem.
If you don’t reduce your toxic load, you’ll just get sicker and sicker.

How To Prepare For Your Detox
WoooHooo! I’m so happy you’re here because that means you’ve decided or are getting close to moving forward on a Functional Medicine Detox, and I couldn’t be happier for you!
This life-changing program has helped 10’s of 1000’s of people change their health, and you’re next!
It was one of the most game-changing things I’ve done on my health journey and is always step one on my protocol roadmap to feeling amazing and supporting my clients and community in reaching their goals FAST.
The detox is a simple and straightforward program with all the instructions you’ll need to succeed.
BUT, what I’ve found after helping countless people through this detox is that the more you prepare ahead of time, the more successful you will be!
In this blog, I will help you prepare your mind, body, family, and kitchen to help you knock this detox out of the park and start feeling amazing!